Crate cargo_wix

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cargo-wix Binary and Subcommand

The goal of the cargo-wix project and the cargo wix subcommand is to make it easy to create a Windows installer (msi) for any Rust project. The project is primarily implemented as a cargo subcommand, but the core functionality is provided in a library (crate). See the module-level comments for the library for more information about usage and organization of the wix crate. The remainder of this documentation focuses on the usage and features of the cargo wix subcommand.

Table of Contents

Quick Start

Ensure the WiX Toolset is installed and a WIX system environment variable has been created. The installer for the WiX Toolset should create the WIX system environment variable automatically. Then, start, or restart, a command prompt (cmd.exe) and execute the following commands:

C:\>cargo install cargo-wix
C:\>cd Path\To\Project
C:\Path\To\Project\>cargo wix init
C:\Path\To\Project\>cargo wix

The Windows installer (msi) will be in the C:\Path\To\Project\target\wix folder. The cargo wix init command will create a wix folder alongside the src folder and the project’s manifest (Cargo.toml). The wix folder will contain the WiX Source file (main.wxs) that was automatically generated for the project based the contents of its manifest. The WiX Source file can be customized using a text editor, and once the file exists, the cargo wix init command does not need to be used again.

The cargo wix command uses the wix\main.wxs file generated from the previous cargo wix init command as input for the WiX Toolset’s “compiler” and “linker”, i.e. candle.exe and light.exe, respectively, to create the Windows installer (msi). A variety of artifact files will be created in the target\wix folder. These can be ignored and/or deleted.

The created installer will install the executable file in a bin folder within the destination selected by the user during installation. It will add a license file to the same folder as the bin folder, and it will add the bin folder to the PATH system environment variable so that the executable can be called from anywhere with a command prompt. Most of these behaviors can be adjusted during the installation process. The default installation destination is C:\Program Files\<project name>, where <project name> is replaced with the name of the project.

C Runtime

If using the x86_64-pc-windows-msvc or the i686-pc-windows-msvc toolchain, then an appropriate C RunTime (CRT) must be available on the host system or the CRT must be statically compiled with the Rust binary (executable). By default, the CRT is dynamically linked to a Rust binary if using Microsoft Visual C compiler (MSVC). This may cause issues and errors when running the Rust binary immediately after installation on a clean Windows installation, i.e. the CRT has not already been installed. If the Rust compiler is installed and an -msvc toolchain is available, then the Rust binary will execute after installation without an issue.

Note, the Rust programming language does not need to be installed to run an executable built using Cargo and Rust. Only a Microsoft-provided CRT needs to be installed. These are often referred to as “redistributables”. Rust with either of the -msvc toolchains will dynamically link against the vcruntime140.dll, which is part of the Visual C++ 2015 redistributable and freely provided by Microsoft.

For developers using the cargo wix subcommand to create an installer, this dependency on the presence of an appropriate C runtime can lead to a sub-optimal user experience. There are three options: (i) statically link the C runtime within the Rust binary (recommended), (ii) add the Visual C++ redistributable to the installer via the Merge module method for the WiX Toolset, or (iii) provide the user with instructions for downloading and installing the CRT before running the executable.

The current recommended option is to statically link the CRT when building the Rust binary. Rust v1.19 or newer is required, and the solution ultimately becomes adding the -C target-feature=+crt-static option to the invocation of the Rust compiler (rustc). There are a variety of methods for adding the option to the invocation, including but not limited to: (i) creating a Cargo configuration file for the user or project, i.e. .cargo/config.toml, and adding the following:

rustflags = ["-C", "target-feature=+crt-static"]

rustflags = ["-C", "target-feature=+crt-static"]

to the config.toml file or (ii) creating the RUSTFLAGS environment variable and setting its value to "-C target-feature=+crt-static". Please see the Rust compiler documentation on static linking for more information and details.


All of the following examples use the native Command Prompt (cmd.exe) for the Windows OS; however, the Developer Prompt installed with the VC Build Tools is recommended. A git bash, PowerShell, or Alacritty terminal can also be used.

Begin each example by starting the appropriate prompt and navigating to the root folder of the Rust project. The cargo wix subcommand and binary assumes the current working directory (cwd) is the project, a.k.a. package, root folder, i.e. the same folder as the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml).

Let’s create a basic project with Cargo and then an installer.

C:\Path\to\Project> cargo init --bin --vcs none --name example

This will create a simple binary package named “example” without any version control. While the cargo wix subcommand and binary does work with libraries (crates) in addition to binaries (applications), generally an installer is needed for a binary (application) not a library. Rust libraries are typically distributed via and do not need an installer. The package’s manifest should look like the following, but with your name and email address for the authors field:

name = "example"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["First Last <>"]


The next step is to create the WiX Source (wxs) file, which is needed to create the installer for the project.

C:\Path\to\Project> cargo wix init
 WARN: A description was not specified at the command line or in the package's manifest (Cargo.toml). The description can be added manually to the generated WiX Source (wxs) file using a text editor.
 WARN: An EULA was not specified at the command line, a RTF license file was not specified in the package manifest's (Cargo.toml) 'license-file' field, or the license ID from the package manifest's 'license' field is not recognized. The license agreement dialog will be excluded from the installer. An EULA can be added manually to the generated WiX Source (wxs) file using a text editor.
 WARN: A help URL could not be found and it will be excluded from the installer. A help URL can be added manually to the generated WiX Source (wxs) file using a text editor.
 WARN: A license file could not be found and it will be excluded from the installer. A license file can be added manually to the generated WiX Source (wxs) file using a text editor.

The warnings can be ignored for the time being, and they will be addressed in subsequent examples. The above command will create a wix folder with the main.wxs file:

C:\Path\to\Project> dir /B
C:\Path\to\Project> dir wix /B

The wix folder and the main.wxs file now exist, and an installer can be created:

C:\Path\to\Project> cargo wix

This may take a moment to complete as the cargo wix subcommand will build the application with the Release target profile and then build the installer. The installer will be located in the target\wix folder.

C:\Path\to\Project> dir target\wix /B

Great! An installer (msi) exists for the application. The main.wixobj file is an artifact of the installer build process and can be ignored and/or deleted.

You can also automatically run the installer after creating it by specifying the --install argument:

C:\Path\to\Project> cargo wix --install

The installer that is created with the above steps and commands will install the example.exe file to: C:\Program Files\example\bin\example.exe. It will also add the C:\Program Files\example\bin path to the PATH system environment variable, unless this feature is disabled during the installation process from the Custom Setup dialog. The default welcome screen, banner, and icons from the WiX Toolset’s default UI component will be used. A license dialog will not appear for this installer.

The installer that is created from the previous example is relatively simple, but so is the application and package. It would be nice to have a license dialog appear in the installer that allows the end-user to review and acknowledge the End User License Agreement (EULA). It would also be nice to have this same license appear in the installation folder for the application so end-users can review it after installation.

The license agreement dialog for a WiX Toolset-created installer must be in the Rich Text Format (.rtf). The majority of Rust binaries and libraries are developed and distributed with an open source license. We will do the same for the example binary here and use the GPL-3.0 license. Creating a RTF version of the GPL-3.0 requires a third-party tool, such as WordPad, which is freely available with any Windows distribution, Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, or any number of freely available text editors, word processors, or document conversion tools. Luckily, the cargo wix subcommand and binary has a RTF version of the GPL-3.0 license available and eliminates the need to install, pay, and/or learn another tool to create the EULA.

First, open the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml) in a text editor, like Microsoft Notepad, and add the license field to the package section with the GPL-3.0 value:

name = "example"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["First Last <>"]
license = "GPL-3.0"


Save the package’s manifest and exit the text editor. Now, we can create a wix\main.wxs file that will include the license dialog with a GPL-3.0 EULA.

C:\Path\to\Project> cargo wix init --force
 WARN: A description was not specified at the command line or in the package's manifest (Cargo.toml). The description can be added manually to the generated WiX Source (wxs) file using a text editor.
 WARN: A help URL could not be found and it will be excluded from the installer. A help URL can be added manually to the generated WiX Source (wxs) file using a text editor.

C:\Path\to\Project> dir wix /B
C:\Path\to\Project> cargo wix

The --force flag is needed so that the existing wix\main.wxs is overwritten with the new EULA-enabled wix\main.wxs file. The majority of the warnings have also been addressed. Notice there is now a License.rtf file in the wix folder. This will be used as the EULA in the license agreement dialog for the installer and be included in the installation folder with the binary.

A side note, while version control has been disabled for these examples, it is best practice to include installer-related files in version control; thus, the wix\main.wxs and wix\License.rtf should be added to version control.

Let’s fix the remaining warnings. Both of the remaining warnings can be resolved in multiple ways. The first is to use the options available for the cargo wix init subcommmand following the previous example project:

C:\Path\to\Project> cargo wix init --force -d "This is a description" -u

C:\Path\to\Project> dir wix /B
C:\Path\to\Project> cargo wix

The warnings for the description and help URL have disappeared. The -d,--description option for the cargo wix init command adds a description for the installer. Similarly, the -u,--url option adds a help URL. The --force flag is still needed to overwrite the previous wix\main.wxs file.

Another possibility is to add the description and homepage fields to the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml), and then initialize and create the installer. The cargo-wix binary and subcommand will use these fields, among others, to automatically include the values into the installer. The -d,--description and -u,--url options can still be used to override the values from the package’s manifest. This can be useful if the contents of the installer might need to be different or more detailed than the package.

Following from the previous example, open the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml) in a text editor, like Microsoft Notepad, and add the description and homepage fields to the package section:

name = "example"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = ["First Last <>"]
license = "GPL-3.0"
description = "This is a description"
homepage = ""


Save the package’s manifest and exit the text editor. Now, we can create a wix\main.wxs file without any warnings and uses the description and homepage from the package’s manifest:

C:\Path\to\Project> cargo wix init --force
C:\Path\to\Project> dir wix /B
C:\Path\to\Project> cargo wix

The documentation and repository fields can be used instead of the homepage field for the help URL, too.


The cargo-wix binary, and related cargo wix subcommand, use the WiX Toolset and the SignTool application available in the Windows 10 SDK. These are obviously Windows-only applications, so while the crate and binary can be built on any platform supported by the Rust programming language and Cargo, the cargo wix subcommand is only really useful in a Windows environment.

The WiX Toolset provides a “compiler” (candle.exe) and “linker” (light.exe). These can be found in the bin directory of the installation location for the WiX Toolset. The value of the WIX system environment variable that is created during installation of the WiX Toolset is a path to the installation folder that contains the bin folder. The WIX system environment variable is used by the cargo wix subcommand with the std::process::Command module to create installers.


The Windows SDK provides a signer (signtool) application for signing installers. The application is installed in the bin folder of the Windows SDK installation. The location of the bin folder varies depending on the version. It is recommended to use the Developer Prompt to ensure the signtool application is available. Signing an installer is optional.


The WiX Toolset requires a WiX Source (WXS) file, which is an XML file. A template is provided with this binary that attempts to meet the majority of use cases for developers and avoid requiring extensive knowledge of the WiX Toolset and Windows installer technologies. Modification of the template is encouraged, but please consult the WiX Toolset’s extensive documentation and tutorials for information about writing (authoring), customizing, and using WXS files. This documentation here is only for this binary and subcommand.

The WXS template is embedded in the binary installation of the subcommand and it can be printed to STDOUT using the cargo wix print wxs command from the command prompt (cmd.exe). Note, each time the cargo wix print wxs command is invoked, new Globally Unique Identifiers (GUID) are generated for fields that require them. Thus, a developer does not need to worry about generating GUIDs and can begin using the template immediately with this subcommand or the WiX Toolset’s compiler (candle.exe) and linker (light.exe) applications.

In addition to the WXS template, there are several license templates which are used to generate an End User License Agreement (EULA) during the cargo wix init command. Depending on the license ID(s) in the license field for a package’s manifest (Cargo.toml), a license file in the Rich Text Format (RTF) is generated from a template and placed in the wix folder. This RTF file is then displayed in the license agreement dialog of the installer. See the help information on the carge wix print subcommand:

C:\Path\to\Project> cargo wix print --help

for information about supported licenses. If the license field is not used, or the license ID is not supported, then the EULA is not automatically created during initialization and it will have to be created manually with a text editor or some other authoring tool.

The cargo wix init subcommand uses a combination of the license and license-file fields of the project’s manifest (Cargo.toml) to determine if a sidecar license file should be included in the installation folder alongside the bin folder. The license field appears to be the more commonly used field to describe the licensing for a Rust project and package, while the license-file field is used to specify a custom, or proprietary, license.

The top three most common licenses for Rust projects are supported from the license field, i.e. MIT, Apache-2.0, and GPLv3. If any of these three supported open source licenses are used for the license field, then a License.rtf file is generated from an embedded template and placed in the wix folder as part of the cargo wix init subcommand. This generated RTF file will be used as a sidecar file and for the End User License Agreement (EULA) that is displayed in the license agreement dialog of the installer. If the license-file field is used and it contains a path to a file with the .rtf extension, then this file will be used as a sidecar file and for the EULA. If neither of these fields exist or contain valid values, then no sidecar file is included in the installation and no license agreement dialog appears during installation. This default behavior can be overridden with the -l,--license and -e,--eula options for the cargo wix init subcommand.


The cargo-wix subcommand automatically passes some Cargo and build configuration-related values to the WiX Toolset compiler (candle.exe). These variables can be used within a WiX Source (WXS) file using the $(var.<VARIABLE>) notation, where <VARIABLE> is replaced with the name of variable passed from the cargo-wix subcommand to the WiX Toolset compiler using the -DKEY=VALUE option. Notable usage of these variables are in WiX preprocessor directives to dynamically change the installer creation at build time. Below is a current list of variables passed from the cargo-wix subcommand to a WXS file during installer creation.

  • TargetTriple = The rustc target triple name as seen with the rustc --print target-list command
  • TargetEnv = The rustc target environment, as seen with the output from the rustc --print cfg command as target_env. On Windows, this typically either msvc or gnu depending on the toolchain downloaded and installed.
  • TargetVendor = The rustc target vendor, as seen with the output from the rustc --print cfg command as target_vendor. This is typically pc, but Rust does support other vendors, like uwp.
  • CargoTargetBinDir = The complete path to the binary (exe). The default would be target\release\<BINARY_NAME>.exe where <BINARY_NAME> is replaced with the name of each binary target defined in the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml). If a different rustc target triple is used than the host, i.e. cross-compiling, then the default path would be target\<CARGO_TARGET>\<CARGO_PROFILE>\<BINARY_NAME>.exe, where <CARGO_TARGET> is replaced with the CargoTarget variable value and <CARGO_PROFILE> is replaced with the value from the CargoProfile variable.
  • CargoTargetDir = The path to the directory for the build artifacts, i.e. target.
  • CargoProfile = Either debug or release depending on the build profile. The default is release.
  • Platform = (Deprecated) Either x86, x64, arm, or arm64. See the documentation for the WiX Toolset compiler (candle.exe) -arch option. Note, this variable is deprecated and will eventually be removed because it is ultimately redundant to the $(sys.BUILDARCH) variable that is already provided by the WiX Toolset compiler. Existing projects should replace usage of $(var.Platform) with $(sys.BUILDARCH). No action is needed for new projects.
  • Profile = (Deprecated) See CargoProfile.
  • Version = The version for the installer. The default is the Major.Minor.Fix semantic versioning number of the Rust package.

Additional, user-defined variables for custom WXS files can be passed to the WiX Toolset compiler (candle.exe) using the cargo-wix subcommand -C,--compiler-arg option. For example,

C:\Path\To\Project\>cargo wix -C "-DUSER_KEY=USER_VALUE"


The WixUIExtension and WixUtilExtension are included in every execution of the default create cargo-wix subcommand, i.e. cargo wix. This is the same as calling either the compiler (candle.exe) or the linker (light.exe) with the -ext WixUIExtension -ext WixUtilExtension options. These two extensions are commonly used to create installers when using the WiX Toolset, so these are included by default. Additionally, the WixUIExtension is used for the template WXS file.

Additionally, the WixBalExtension is automatically included if the cargo-wix subcommand detects a bundle (exe) is to be created instead of a MSI package. See the Bundles section for more information about creating and managing bundles with the cargo-wix subcommand.

Multiple WiX Sources

The cargo-wix subcommand supports including multiple WXS files when creating an installer. A lot of customization is possible through the WXS file and sometimes the installer’s source code becomes its own project where organization and formatting are important. Breaking up a single, large WXS file into multiple WXS files can be useful for code readability and project navigation. Thus, cargo-wix will include any file with the .wxs file extension found in the default source folder, wix, when creating an installer. For example, say you have the following project with three WXS files in the wix sub-folder:

C:\Path\to\Project> dir /B
C:\Path\to\Project> dir wix /B

When the cargo wix default create command is executed, all three WXS files will be included and used to create the installer. Generally, this translates to the following set of commands:

C:\Path\to\Project> candle -out target\wix\ wix\first.wxs wix\second.wxs wix\third.wxs
C:\Path\to\Project> light -out target\wix\example-0.1.0-x86_64.msi target\wix\first.wixobj target\wix\second.wixobj target\wix\third.wixobj

Alternatively, multiple WXS files can also be included when creating an installer by including the relative or absolute paths to the WXS files as arguments to the subcommand, but any WXS files in the default, wix, sub-folder are ignored and would have to be explicitly included. For example,

C:\Path\To\Project> cargo wix path\to\first\wxs\file\one.wxs path\to\second\wxs\file\two.wxs


It is possible to create bundle-based installers with the WiX Toolset. The cargo-wix subcommand and binary currently offer limited support for creating bundles from Rust projects. This includes automatically detecting if a bundle is to be created by inspecting all WiX Object (wixobj) files before linking and changing the file extension from msi to exe, as bundles require the executable (exe) file extension. In addition to automatically changing the file extension of the installer, the WixBalExtension is included automatically during linking if a bundle is detected because this extension includes a standard bootstrapper application that is commonly used to build and customize bundles.

While the cargo-wix subcommand does provide some support for bundles with automatic file extension determination and inclusion of useful bundle-centric extensions, the process for creating a bundle for a Rust project is currently a manual process. Let’s assume the following workspace-based Rust project layout and structure:

|-- C:\Path\to\Rust\Project
|-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- client
|-- |-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- |-- src
|-- |-- |-- |--
|-- |-- server
|-- |-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- |-- src
|-- |-- |-- |--

The virtual manifest, Cargo.toml, in the root of the project is a virtual manifest that only contains the following:

members = ["client", "server"]

The package manifests for the workspace members, client\Cargo.toml and server\Cargo.toml, are the typical package manifests content for a binary package.

The goal is to create a bundle-based executable that contains and installs both the client and server packages through their respective installers (MSI packages). A combination of manual file manipulation and the cargo-wix subcommand can be used to accomplish this goal, all from the root of the workspace. Begin by creating the WiX Source (wxs) files for the client and server MSI packages:

C:\Path\to\Rust\Workspace> cargo wix init client\Cargo.toml
C:\Path\to\Rust\Workspace> cargo wix init server\Cargo.toml

The following project layout should have been created:

|-- C:\Path\to\Rust\Workspace
|-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- client
|-- |-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- |-- src
|-- |-- |-- |--
|-- |-- |-- wix
|-- |-- |-- |-- main.wxs
|-- |-- server
|-- |-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- |-- src
|-- |-- |-- |--
|-- |-- |-- wix
|-- |-- |-- |-- main.wxs

The WiX Source (wxs) files created for the client and server crates of the Rust workspace using the cargo-wix subcommand will be generated following the normal rules, features, and templates when using the cargo wix init within a non-workspace-based project.

With the WiX Source (wxs) files created for the two MSI-based installers, a bundle-based WiX Source (wxs) file must be created for the workspace and bundle. Create a new main.wxs file and place it in a wix sub-folder relative to the workspace root. The following project layout should exist:

|-- C:\Path\to\Rust\Workspace
|-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- client
|-- |-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- |-- src
|-- |-- |-- |--
|-- |-- |-- wix
|-- |-- |-- |-- main.wxs
|-- |-- server
|-- |-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- |-- src
|-- |-- |-- |--
|-- |-- |-- wix
|-- |-- |-- |-- main.wxs
|-- |-- wix
|-- |-- |-- main.wxs

Open the wix\main.wxs file in a suitable text editor and add the following XML to it to define the bundle:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Wix xmlns="">
  <Bundle Version="1.0.0" UpgradeCode="[Your GUID Here]">
    <BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense"/>
      <MsiPackage SourceFile="client\target\wix\client-0.1.0-x86_64.msi" />
      <MsiPackage SourceFile="server\target\wix\server-0.1.0-x86_64.msi" />

A GUID will need to be manually generated for the UpgradeCode attribute of the Bundle tag and used to replace the [Your GUID Here] value. Now, the bundle can be created but first both the client and server MSI packages must be created. Thus, creating the bundle is a multi-step, or multi-command, process:

C:\Path\to\Workspace> cargo wix client\Cargo.toml
C:\Path\to\Workspace> cargo wix server\Cargo.toml
C:\Path\to\Workspace> cargo wix --name Bundle --install-version 1.0.0

The following project layout should exist:

|-- C:\Path\to\Rust\Workspace
|-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- client
|-- |-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- |-- src
|-- |-- |-- |--
|-- |-- |-- target
|-- |-- |-- |-- wix
|-- |-- |-- |-- |-- server-0.1.0-x86_64.msi
|-- |-- |-- wix
|-- |-- |-- |-- main.wxs
|-- |-- server
|-- |-- |-- Cargo.toml
|-- |-- |-- src
|-- |-- |-- |--
|-- |-- |-- target
|-- |-- |-- |-- wix
|-- |-- |-- |-- |-- server-0.1.0-x86_64.msi
|-- |-- |-- wix
|-- |-- |-- |-- main.wxs
|-- |-- target
|-- |-- |-- Release
|-- |-- |-- |-- client.exe
|-- |-- |-- |-- server.exe
|-- |-- |-- wix
|-- |-- |-- |-- Bundle-1.0.0-x86_64.exe
|-- |-- wix
|-- |-- |-- main.wxs

Note the built binaries are located in the target\Release folder relative to the workspace root as opposed to the client\target\Release and server\target\Release folders, even though the MSI packages are available in the member’s target\wix folders. This will fail if the various cargo wix commands are not executed from the workspace root.

The name and install-version options can be moved into a configuration section for the subcommand within the virtual manifest of the workspace, i.e. the Cargo.toml file with the [workspace] section to avoid having to retype them each time a bundle is created, but all three cargo wix commands must be issued each time.

While the above steps will create a bundle installer for the workspace-based Rust project with a default, placeholder EULA, it is very manual and cumbersome. For example, the bundle-based WiX Source (wxs) file will have to be manually updated each time the version numbers of the member MSI packages are changed because the paths to the source files are hard-coded in the XML. Efforts are underway to improve support within the cargo-wix subcommand for both workspaces and bundles (Issue #74 and Issue #98).


The default subcommand, cargo wix, which creates a MSI based on the contents of the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml) can be configured by adding a [package.metadata.wix] section to the manifest. For each CLI option for the default create subcommand, a field can be added to the [package.metadata.wix] section. If the corresponding CLI option is used with the default create subcommand, then the CLI option value will override the value in the metadata section.

Below is an example [package.metadata.wix] section from a package’s manifest that configures the default create subcommand:

banner = "path\to\banner.png"
compiler-args = ["-nologo", "-wn"]
culture = "Fr-Fr"
dbg-build = false
dbg-name = false
dialog = "path\to\dialog.png"
eula = "path\to\eula.rtf"
include = ["Path\to\WIX\Source\File\One.wxs", "Path\to\WIX\Source\File\Two.wxs"]
license = "path\to\license.txt"
linker-args = ["-nologo"]
locale = "Path\to\WIX\Localization\File.wxl"
name = "example"
no-build = false
output = "Path\and\file\name\for\installer.msi"
path-guid = "BFD25009-65A4-4D1E-97F1-0030465D90D6"
product-icon = "path\to\product_icon.ico"
upgrade-guid = "B36177BE-EA4D-44FB-B05C-EDDABDAA95CA"
version = "2.1.0"

See the documentation for each CLI option for more information about each field and its purpose. Note, the name and version fields will be the name and version number of the application as it appears in the Add/Remove Programs control panel, and the version number does not need to match the package’s version number. In other words, the installed application can have a different version number from the package, which is useful with multiple binaries, workspaces, or distributing a “suite” of applications, where the version number would be for the suite and not necessarily the individual applications within the suite.

Please note that unlike most of the fields, the include field is an TOML array instead of a string value. This is the same as passing multiple paths to the default create subcommand using multiple -I,--include options or including multiple WXS files in the default, wix, project source location.

The only CLI option, or argument, that is not supported in the [package.metadata.wix] section is the <INPUT> argument for the default create command, which specifies a relative or absolute path to a package’s manifest file. The assumption is that the package manifest (Cargo.toml) to be used for the default create subcommand is the same manifest that contains the [package.metadata.wix] section.

Flags and Options

Generally, any value that is obtained from the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml) can be overridden at the command line with an appropriate option. For example, the manufacturer, which is displayed as the “Publisher” in the Add/Remove Programs (ARP) control panel is obtained from the first author listed in the authors field of a project’s manifest, but it can be overridden using the -m,--manufacturer option with the cargo wix init subcommand.

Use the -h,--help flag with each subcommand to get a full list of options and flags that are available. The short flag, -h, will print a condensed version of each flag and option for the subcommand, while the long flag, --help, will print a detailed help for each flag and option. The rest of this section is a list of all flags and options implemented for all subcommands.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Sets the path to an image file (.png, .bmp, …) that will be displayed across the top of each dialog in the installer. The banner image dimensions should be 493 x 58 pixels, but the left-most 50% of that image is covered with text, so if you want to leave a blank background for text readability, you only want to color in the right-most ~200 pixels of that image.


Available for the default create (cargo wix) and sign (cargo wix sign) subcommands.

The -b,--bin-path option can be used to specify a path (relative or absolute) to the WiX Toolset bin folder. The -b,--bin-path option is useful if a different version of the WiX Toolset needs to be used to create the installer. The descending order of precedence is: (1) -b,--bin-path option then (2) WIX system environment variable. An error will be displayed if the compiler and/or linker cannot be found.

This option is also available for the cargo wix sign subcommand and can be used to specify a path to the Windows SDK bin folder. This can be used to override default signtool application found using the std::process::Command::status method.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

A path to a binary, a.k.a. executable, to include in the installer instead of any and all binaries defined in the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml). By default, all binaries defined with the [[bin]] section in the package’s manifest are included in the installer. If no [[bin]] section is defined, then the package’s name field is used. This option can be used to override, i.e. not append, the binaries that should be included in the installer.

This option can be used multiple times to define multiple binaries to include in the installer. The value is a path to a binary file. The file stem (file name without extension) is used as the binary name within the WXS file. A relative or absolute path is acceptable.


Available for the default _create (cargo wix) subcommand.

Appends an argument to the WiX compiler (candle.exe) invocation. This provides a mechanism for “passing” arguments to the compiler. This can be called multiple times to pass multiple arguments (flags or options), but only one value per occurrence is allowed to avoid ambiguity during argument parsing. Note, if it is an option, i.e. argument with an accompanying value, then the value must be passed as a separate usage of this option. For example, adding an user-defined compiler extension would require the following command cargo wix -C -ext -C UserDefinedExtension to yield a candle -ext UserDefinedExtension invocation.


Available for the default create (cargo wix) subcommand.

Sets the culture for localization. Use with the [-l,--locale] option. See the WixUI localization documentation for more information about acceptable culture codes. The codes are case insensitive.


Available only for the default create (cargo wix) subcommmand.

Builds the package using the Debug profile instead of the Release profile with Cargo. This flag is ignored if the --no-build flag is used. The default is to build the package with the Release profile.


Available only for the default create (cargo wix) subcommand.

Appends -debug to the file stem (portion before the dot and file extension) of the installer’s file name. The default is to not include the suffix. Generally, this should be used to indicate an installer contains a binary that was built with debugging information and minimal optimizations as a tradeoff for being able to troubleshoot execution of the application on an end-user’s system. A release build generally does not contain any debugging information but includes optimizations. It is typical to use this flag with the -d,--dbg-build flag but it is not required. This allows a developer to provide other mechanisms for creating a debugging variant of his or her application and still use the Release profile.


Available for the init (cargo wix init), print (cargo wix print), and sign (cargo wix sign) subcommands.

The package description is used in multiple places for the installer, including the text that appears in the blue UAC dialog when using a signed installer. This can be overridden using the -d,--description option with the cargo wix init or cargo wix sign subcommands, respectively.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Sets the path to an image file (.png, bmp, …) that will be displayed as the background of the first dialog of the installer. The dialog image dimensions should be 493 x 312 pixels, but the right-most 60% of that area is covered by the actual text of the dialog, so if you want to leave a blank background for text readability, you only want to color in the left-most ~200 pixels of that image.

The first dialog is known as the “Welcome” dialog.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Specifies a Rich Text Format (RTF) file to use as the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the license agreement dialog of the installer. The default is to disable the license agreement dialog unless one of the supported licenses (GPL-3.0, Apache-2.0, or MIT) is generated based on the value of the license field in the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml). An EULA can be enabled later by directly modifying the WiX Source (WXS) file with a text editor.

When specified via package.metadata.wix.eula the path is assumed to be relative to the Cargo.toml (directory). This field can also be set to false to disable the eula even if we could auto-generate one for you, as described above.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) subcommand.

Forces overwriting of generated files from the init subcommand. Use with caution! This cannot be undone.


Available for all subcommands.

The short flag, -h, will print a condensed version of the help text, while the long flag, --help, will print a more detailed version of the help text.


Available for the sign (cargo wix sign) subcommand.

This will be displayed in the ACL dialog.


Available for the default create (cargo wix) subcommand.

Automatically runs the installer after creating it.


Available for the default create (cargo wix) subcommand.

Overrides the version from the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml), which is used for the installer name and appears in the Add/Remove Programs (ARP) control panel.


Available only for the default create (cargo wix) subcommand.

This option can be used multiple times to include multiple WiX Source (WXS) files in the creation of an installer. The option takes a path to a single WXS file as its value. Any WXS files located in the default wix folder located within the package’s root folder, i.e. same location as the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml) are automatically included and used in the creation of the installer. This option allows the inclusion of other WXS files outside of the default wix location.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Overrides the license-file field or any license generated from the license field of the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml). If an appropriate license file does not exist, cannot be found, or is not specified, then no license file is included in the installer or in the installation folder along side the bin folder. A file containing the license, such as a TXT, PDF, or RTF file, can be added later by directly editing the generated WiX Source file (WXS) in a text editor.

When specified via package.metadata.wix.license the path is assumed to be relative to the Cargo.toml (directory). This field can also be set to false to disable the license auto-generation features described above.


Available for the default _create (cargo wix) subcommand.

Appends an argument to the WiX linker (light.exe) invocation. This provides a mechanism for “passing” arguments to the linker. This can be called multiple times to pass multiple arguments (flags or options). Only one value per occurrence is allowed to avoid ambiguity during argument parsing. Note, if it is an option, i.e. argument with an accompanying value, then the value must be passed as a separate usage of this option. For example, adding an user-defined linker extension would require the following command cargo wix -L -ext -L UserDefinedExtension to yield a light -ext UserDefinedExtension invocation.


Available for the default create (cargo wix) subcommand.

Sets the path to a WiX localization file (wxl) which contains localized strings. Use in conjunction with the [-c,--culture] option.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Overrides the authors field of the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml) as the manufacturer within the installer. The manufacturer can be changed after initialization by directly modifying the WiX Source file (WXS) with a text editor.


Available for the default create (cargo wix) subcommand.

Overrides the name field in the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml), which is used in the file name of the installer (msi). This does not change the name of the executable within the installer.


Available for the default create (cargo wix) subcommand.

This skips building the Rust package using Cargo for the Release target.


Available for the default create (cargo wix) and sign (cargo wix sign) subcommands.

Displays all output from the builder (Cargo), compiler (candle.exe), linker (light.exe), and signer (signtool.exe) applications.


Available for the default create (cargo wix), init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Sets the destination for init subcommand files, such as the WiX Source file (WXS), an alternative to stdout for print subcommand, and the created installer for the default create subcommand.

When used with the default create subcommand to create an installer (MSI), if the path is to an existing directory or the path has a trailing / or \, then the MSI will be available after creation at the specified path, but the MSI file name will be the default file name based on the package name, version, and platform.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Sets the copyright owner of the license during initialization or printing. The default is to use the authors field of the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml). This is only used when generating a license based on the value of the license field in the package’s manifest.


Available for the create (cargo wix), init (cargo wix init), and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Selects the package within a workspace. This is required if a project organized with a workspace. A workspace can have one or more members, where each member may have a separate installer. This option has no effect if the project does not use a workspace.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Overrides the automatically generated GUID for the path component with an existing GUID in the hyphenated, uppercase format. The path GUID should only be generated once for a product/project. The same GUID should be used for all installer creations to ensure no artifacts are left after uninstalling and proper modification of the PATH environment variable.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Sets the path to a 16x16 image file (.ico) that will be display as an icon in the Add/Remove Programs (ARP) control panel for the installed application.


Available for the init (cargo wix init), print (cargo wix print), and sign (cargo wix sign) subcommands.

Overrides the name field of the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml) as the product name within the installer. The product name can be changed after initialization or printing by directly modifying the WiX Source file (wxs) with a text editor.


Available for the sign (cargo wix sign) subcommand.

An alias or URL to a timestamp server when signing an installer with a certificate. Valid aliases are: Comodo and Versign, which are case insensitive.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Overrides the automatically generated GUID for the product’s upgrade code with an existing GUID in the hyphenated, uppercase format. The upgrade code should only be generated once for a product/project. The same upgrade code should then be used for all installer creations of the same product/project. If a new GUID is used every time an installer is created, then each installer will be installing the same product but as separate installations.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Adds a URL to the installer that will be displayed in the Add/Remove Programs (ARP) control panel for the application. The default is to disable it unless a URL is specified for either the homepage, documentation, or repository fields in the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml). The help URL can be enabled after initialization by directly modifying the WiX Source (wxs) file with a text editor.


Available for all subcommands.

Prints the cargo-wix binary and subcommand version.


Available for all subcommands.

Increases the level of logging statements based on occurrence count of the flag. The more -v,--verbose flags used, the more logging statements that will be printed during execution of a subcommand. When combined with the --nocapture flag, this is useful for debugging and testing.


Available for the sign (cargo wix sign) subcommand.

Speicifies path to the installer(msi) to be signed.


Available for the init (cargo wix init) and print (cargo wix print) subcommands.

Sets the copyright year for the license during initialization. The default is to use the current year. This is only used if a license is generated from one of the supported licenses based on the value of the license field in the package’s manifest (Cargo.toml).

