groom - A utility for processing mustache templates


groom [options] input-file [output-file]...


The Groom project is a Command-Line Interface (CLI) application for processing Mustache templates. The project is primarily written in the Rust programming language. It can be installed on any platform supported by the Rust programming language, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.


-d, --debug
Changes the output stream for INFO, DEBUG, and TRACE log statements from stdout to stderr. This is useful for debugging templates without clutter up the stdout stream if redirecting to a file or piping to another application.
-m FILE, --map=FILE
The YAML text data file that maps template tags (placeholders) to values. The default is to read from stdin unless this option is used to specify a file.
-v, --verbose
Sets the level of verbosity. The higher the level of verbosity, the more log statements that are printed to either stdout or stderr depending on other flags and options. This flag can be specified multiple times, where each occurrence increases the level.